my rhapsody

my rhapsody

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

being too shallow, am i?

the must havesssss;

1# have pleasant body odour, nice smelling perfume

2# must not use flattery words when speaking to me

3# be decently dressed from top to toe, including hair..must be simple yet presentable, and no posers! 

4# know all my siblings,we love to go on group dates! 

5# be keen to go on dates by taxi if he doesn't own a car, i wont allow myself to ride a motorcycle, papa will kill me...LITERALLY! 

6# have good sense of humour, talkative and jovial sometimes, if not always. 

7# have voice louder than 'the loud me', if not i will look and  sound disrespectful 

8# love to go to movies, especially of these genres; horror, comedy and thriller..and sometimes romantic comedy..:) 

9# love Mcd, because i do! 

10# love good sneakers, khaki shorts and jeans

11# have 'good' or 'pleasant' voice, i love to hear my man to sing for me, at least someone who is able to sing to me at night before i sleep:) 

12# know how to cook, or at least willing to cook as a 'team' alongside with me:) 

13# be a tidy, neat, and hygienic person

...# muscular body, or at least no flabby tummy please:) 

so, what do you think???am i being too shallow??

hmm, i guess judging from my looks, no questions i wont have the chance to get my dream guy... but there's no harm in being hopeful that somewhere out there, someone with at least no #1.. i'm not being fussy, not being choosy... i believe a person with these qualities will suit me best... i hope there will still be a guy, not gay i hope, straight and gentleman enough..let us hope!:)

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